Adult Scene Study
Deborah Lemen Acting Studio offers beginner to advanced adult acting classes that help you dive into the various methods and techniques of acting. Fine-tuning your skill with in-depth character development script interpretation to better discover distinctive character attributes and explore your role as an actor and what that means. Teaching you how to take a role and make it yours while displaying your authentic self behind the character.
$290 per month/
$600 per seasonal session
*Actors Can Take as many classes a week for no extra charge*​
Sundays @ 7:30 PM
Mondays @ 6:00 PM
Wednesdays @ 7:30 PM
Sundays 6-7:30 PM
Mondays 4 - 6 PM
Wednesdays 6-7:30 PM
Thursday 11:30 AM
Once a month on zoom Adult Script Breakdown class
Winter Session 2025:
January 8th- March 26
Kids and Teen showcase:
Sunday, March 23
Teen and Adult showcase:
Wednesday, March 26
Spring Session 2025:​
March 30-June 11
Kids and Teen showcase:
Sunday, June 8
Teen and Adult showcase:
Wednesday, June 11
Additional Class offering:
On Camera Scene Study
**teens & adults only**
Saturdays llam-2pm.
Rate: $325
Please email the studio if you are already enrolled, and would like to do any of the following:
Already enrolled Scene Study Monthly Students' who would like to additionally enroll in the On-camera Scene Study Classes it's $375.
Scene Study Session Students who would like to additionally enroll in the On-camera Scene Study Classes it's $875.
Loading days...
Duration Varies
600 US dollarsLoading days...
Duration Varies
600 US dollarsLoading days...
290 US dollarsLoading days...
Duration Varies
290 US dollarsLoading days...
325 US dollarsLoading days...
3 hr
325 US dollars
Adult Master Class
$275 per month, Thursdays
Invite Only
Immersive class
$275 per month, Tuesdays
Invite Only

Advanced classes put extreme focus on character development, making strong and unique individual choices, and script interpretation to better discover distinctive character attributes to better make the role your own. Scene selections for these classes will cover adult themes, thus it is based solely on audition or invitation. Students in these classes are also welcome/encouraged to take any or all of the three additional adult scene study classes at no extra cost.
Private coaching available: Please email our team at to schedule and book with subject: Private Coaching.
Cancellation Policy: All sales are final, no refunds. However, you are welcome to use your purchase as class credit for a future session.
MEDIA POLICY: Taping and Posting of any scenes and/or video from class is strictly prohibited.